Parle vouz Anglais?
2007-01-11 04:14:50 UTC
Hi there, I'm trying to find out how to get the train from Rouen to Paris on 13th February, then the next day (14th)I need to get the train from Paris to Beauvais (before 1pm) to get my flight home. Can anyone help me find train times and prices please? Merci
Treize réponses:
Capricorn Monkey
2007-01-11 04:33:50 UTC
Hi Lynds,

There are several possibilities for both trips. You can do a search on the web site of the French railway company:

If you click on the UK flag on the bottom you get it in English. I think they deliver tickets to the UK (if that's where you are), but they also do e-tickets, so you can order in advance (recommended).

Please note that in Paris there are several major railway stations that are not really connected, from Rouen you will arrive at a different station (St. Lazare) than the one you need to go to Beauvais (Gare du Nord).

Enjoy your trip!
2007-01-11 04:24:01 UTC
Ok darling it will be easy!!

you have to go on to get the timetable and the prices :=

Everything is ok now?

G6k raz l'bol des trolls
2007-01-11 04:22:49 UTC

down the page click on the brit flag
2007-01-11 06:28:58 UTC
Hi, Honey !

I wad haf been pleased to help you though it is a long search at this moment !

If yu don't find anything enough, try my mail !

I wad do my best !
béatrice b.
2007-01-11 05:54:09 UTC
vous êtes deux à avoir le même problème.... pourquoi ne voyagez-vous pas ensemble ?
2007-01-11 04:25:14 UTC
try this, and have a nice trip!!!!
2007-01-11 04:33:18 UTC
hi lynds

i can see that you are really confused, i , myself i don't know but may god help you to get train to your home.
2007-01-11 04:31:39 UTC
the best thing is to visit the sncf site. You can even book online.
2007-01-11 04:28:18 UTC
je parle pas trop anglais mais va sur

mais sinon ton français écrit c est pas trop ça
2007-01-11 04:25:18 UTC
My taylor is rich.
2007-01-11 04:25:17 UTC
Call the french railways.

It's easy to find by internet.

Unfortunatly, it's difficult to go from the beauvais railways station to the Airport. Maybe by taxi or bus.

It's better for you to take a bus from Paris to Beauvais's airport.

I think
2007-01-11 04:25:06 UTC
I have signaled an abus because it's pas dans la good langue !
joyeux ron ron pish
2007-01-11 04:20:48 UTC
non désolé je ne parle aucune langue étrangère a mon grand regret, et j'aimerai vraiment apprendre....


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